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Follow your path (even if it takes time)

Updated: Aug 30, 2023

Do you sometimes have something on your mind that you've been wanting to do for a while? Often in these cases, we beat ourselves up for not taking action to manifest the desired changes... Especially if you have shared your aspirations with others. We feel like we're not good enough, or brave enough, or that we'll never make it.

How about starting with being kind to yourself. Simply meet your needs one day at a time. And build the foundations for the desired change and continue to follow your path. To achieve lasting change, we must first establish what we want to accomplish or create, in other words, our desired goals. Then identify the blocks or limiting beliefs that make us procrastinate, delay or simply find excuses to do nothing.

There are steps in the process of change. And while positive thinking is great, it is counterproductive to fall into magical thinking. The expression "Help yourself and the sky will help you" illustrates this well. Everything happens in its own time, but we must invest our energy and time in planning our dream or goal. Step by step we move towards the desired situation and when we are there, we feel fulfilled and proud of the path we have taken.

Let me share a little story with you. One of my goals was to live closer to nature. It's done now. I share with you a picture of my new place.

I have allowed myself to take the trainings and personal growth path necessary to create my "new life". You can see under my certifications the combination of my science-based trainings and those based on Eastern traditions. My goal is to accompany you in taking care of your body as well as your mind.

I look forward to accompanying you on your journey to fulfillment.

Lake in nature
Follow your path

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